Wednesday 4 February 2015

History of Photoshop

                               History of Photoshop

                    Photoshop is a best pixel editing Program in the world. In 1987  University of Michigan Graduate student has invented the world best photo editing software (Photoshop).
His name is Thomas Knoll, He is a doctoral candidate in computer science. He is write the programming code to display gray scale computer image on a black and white bitmap monitor.
and the first code is named in display. He is write the code for his doctoral work at his Mac Plus computer at home  


Thomas Knoll

                    The Photoshop is creating also one person is include his brother John Knoll. He is creating the Special effects in Photoshop, he asked his brother Thomas to help him program a computer to process digital image file, this collaboration is finally create the wolds best image editing software Photoshop


                                                                      John Knoll

Thomas Knoll is using old Mac plus computer for creating the code its a gray scale computer. Photoshop is a image editing software its using images for editing. The gray scale computer has many limitations so John Knoll arranged to purchase a new Macintosh II Computer. This is the first color- capable model. Then the ensuing months, Thomas and John worked on expanding display's capability And Thomas added the read and write various file formats. Then John developed image processing routine that would later become filter plugins. He also developed such features as Levels for adjusting tones,Color Balance, Hue and Saturation for adjusting color and Painting 

                                                In 1988 They are starting the Basis of a commercially viable product.

                                                 The first Photo shop splash screen

At this time John see an add in Mac Week For another pixel imaging application. PhotoMac.
Then he went to the SIGGRAPH Conference(Special Interest Group for the Computer Graphics division of the Association for Computing Machinery) to investigate the new application. John told some words to the Photo Mac to Thomas he is shocking because the photo Mac features and thomas invented features are almost same. Thomas changed the name of their software several time.
each time he found one he liked, It is already been taken.  During a program demo he confided to someone to this program name problem , At last they suggested the name Photoshop.

                 And finally John Started to search around for a company to invest in Photoshop.
He meet on supermac but financial trouble they are rejected his request. At last he meet adobe. they are interested , nothing could immediately be settled . John traveled all over Silicon Valley giving program demos. Finally he success his traveling a Scanner manufacturing company interested Photoshop. Barneyscan decided that the program would be of use to people who owned their scanners.At last the first public iteration of the software was introduse as Barneyscan XP.About 200 copies of the program in version 0.87, were shipped with scanners


                                                          Photoshop 0.87 splash screen

      Around this time John demonstrate the program to apple computer engineers. it was a breakthrough, they asked John to leave a couple of copies.  There followed the first incident of Photoshop pirating. That the engineers shared the program with some friends
Then John returned to adobe for another demonstration, Russell Brown, Adobe's primary art director, was blown away by the program. He is just signed a non disclosure agreement with letraset, to view their new image editing program, ColorStudio. HE was convinced that Photoshop was better.

                                                                      Russell Brown

                        Timing is everything. Adobe decided to buy the license to distribute to Photoshop. It was September 1988. And the Knoll brothers and Fred Mitchell, head of Adobe Acquisitions, made the deal with a handshake . It would be April before the final legal agreements were worked out. 

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